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How to fix WordPress blank page (white screen)

Experiencing a WordPress blank page, commonly known as the "White Screen of Death" (WSOD), can be frustrating, but there are several steps you can take to diagnose and fix the issue:

  1. Check for Plugin or Theme Conflicts:

    • Disable all plugins and switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One).
    • If the site loads properly after this, reactivate plugins and theme one by one until you find the culprit causing the white screen.
  2. Increase PHP Memory Limit:

    • Sometimes, insufficient PHP memory can cause the white screen issue. You can increase PHP memory limit by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:
      define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
    • Replace '256M' with the desired memory limit.
  3. Enable Debugging:

    • Enabling WordPress debugging can help identify the root cause of the issue. In your wp-config.php file, set WP_DEBUG to true:
      define('WP_DEBUG', true);
    • This will display error messages on the screen which can provide clues about what’s causing the problem.
  4. Check for Syntax Errors in Files:

    • Syntax errors in WordPress core files, theme files, or plugin files can cause the white screen. Review recent changes made to these files and correct any syntax errors.
  5. Check File Permissions:

    • Ensure that file permissions are set correctly. Files should typically have permissions set to 644, and directories should have permissions set to 755. Incorrect permissions can cause the white screen.
  6. Verify File Integrity:

    • It’s possible that core WordPress files may have become corrupted. Reinstalling WordPress can help ensure all files are intact.
  7. Check Server Error Logs:

    • Server error logs can provide additional information about what’s causing the white screen. Check the error logs on your server for any relevant messages.
  8. Contact Hosting Provider:

    • If you’ve tried all the above steps and the issue persists, it could be related to server configuration or limitations imposed by your hosting provider. Contact them for assistance.

By following these steps, you should be able to diagnose and fix the WordPress white screen issue. If you're uncomfortable making these changes yourself, consider seeking assistance from a WordPress developer or support professional.

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