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Domain Name Registry

What is FreeDNS? - (17 times viewed / 0 people found it helpful)
How can I renew my domain? - (13 times viewed / 0 people found it helpful)

A domain name registry is an entity that manages the reservation of domain names within specific top-level domains (TLDs) of the Domain Name System (DNS). These registries are responsible for maintaining databases of registered domain names, along with associated information such as the IP addresses of the servers that host the corresponding websites or services.

Typically, domain name registries are operated by either governments or private organizations, and they are often responsible for setting the rules and policies governing the registration and use of domain names within their TLDs. Some well-known domain name registries include Verisign (for .com, .net, etc.), Public Interest Registry (for .org), and Afilias (for various TLDs).

Registrars, on the other hand, are entities accredited by domain name registries to sell domain name registrations to the public. When individuals or businesses want to register a domain name, they typically do so through a registrar, which interacts with the appropriate registry to reserve the domain name on their behalf.

Overall, domain name registries play a crucial role in the functioning of the internet by managing the allocation and administration of domain names, ensuring that each domain name is unique and properly associated with its corresponding IP address or other relevant information.
