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How to navigate in cPanel’s File Manager

Navigating in cPanel's File Manager is relatively straightforward. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Access cPanel: Log in to your web hosting account and access cPanel. This is typically done by visiting your website's control panel URL followed by entering your username and password.

  2. Locate File Manager: Once logged in, locate the "File Manager" icon or link. It's usually located in the "Files" section of cPanel.

  3. Choose Directory: Click on the "File Manager" icon or link. You'll be prompted to choose the directory you want to open. Select the appropriate directory, usually the "Home Directory" or the directory corresponding to your website's files.

  4. Navigate: Once you've chosen the directory, you'll see a file explorer interface similar to what you might find in your operating system. You can navigate through your files and folders by clicking on them.

  5. Open Files: To open a file, simply double-click on it. If it's a text file, it will open in a text editor within cPanel. If it's an image or another type of file, it may prompt you to download or open it with an appropriate application.

  6. Upload Files: You can upload files by clicking on the "Upload" button in the File Manager interface. This allows you to select files from your computer and upload them to the current directory.

  7. Create Folders/Files: To create a new folder or file, use the options provided in the File Manager interface. There are usually buttons or menu options for creating new folders or files.

  8. Delete/Rename Files: You can delete or rename files by right-clicking on them and selecting the appropriate option from the context menu.

  9. Edit Files: If you need to make changes to a file, you can usually do so by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Edit" option. This opens a text editor where you can modify the file's contents.

  10. Exit File Manager: When you're finished working in File Manager, you can simply close the browser tab or navigate away from the File Manager interface in cPanel.

That's a basic overview of how to navigate in cPanel's File Manager. The interface may vary slightly depending on your web hosting provider and the version of cPanel they're using, but the general principles should remain the same.

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